Just Another Day


Another day dawns
Just like so many others
Nothing to distinguish it or mark it
I wake I stretch
I stretch and yawn
Watch the man beside me breathing low

He used to mean the world to me
My life my everything
But now I feel an emptiness inside
Why can I never settle
What is this thing I feel
That always longs for more

I’m dreaming as the water
Sparkles in the washing bowl
Thankful for the coolness on my skin
Dreaming as I wind a cloth
Around my hair
Wondering if real love will ever find me

Real love real love real love

As I walk the hillside
Away from village sounds
Here there is no noise of angry voices
Just the stillness and the heat
Of the noonday sun
I wonder if my life will ever change

Real love real love real love

He seemed to come from nowhere
He seems to fill this space
Now He’s asking me to draw Him water
He walks across the lines
of gender and of race
Light as any feather to my heart

I am thirsty at my own well
Tired of it all
But as we speak my heart begins to lift
His words go deep within me
They resonate and ring
He offers living water running deep

real love inst….

And now He tells my story
As if He knew me well
Unfolding all the dark and hidden places
I see no condemnation
His eyes are pools of love
I have the choice to brave or to resist Him


© Charity Quin 3/2/09-17/3/17 tgbtg
John 4 vs 4-30