I Set Sail


Was written in my sleep, or at least the beginning of it was. I can see in my minds eye that little boat with a white sail, heading out on to the ocean. The happiness of the summer morning, the wind in my face, the excitement of wondering what lies ahead. Isn’t that like faith? I’m often nervous and excited at the same time! I thank my late husband Rob for saying it sounded good. The encouragement got me out of bed to record the first shape of it on to a little cassette player.


I set sail one summer morning
With such hopes and dreams
Round the headland
Out into the ocean
The wind was fair
The sun shone down

I took some food a few possessions
Only had this little boat
But I was happy
On that summer morning
The wind was fair
The sun shone down

The wind behind me
No ties to bind me
The taste of salt spray on my lips
The greeny depths of
Ocean water the cry of gulls
My company

All this is mine now
From shore to skyline
My heart is full
My senses sing
The world before me
Nothing to hold me
I live this moment to the full I set sail x3

Copyright 2004 Charity Quin tgbtg